Well now that 2011 is in full force, I decided to write a post concerning my new attitudes and resolutions for the new year. My goal is to set attainable, realistic expectations that can actually be applied to my life instead of the outrageous, life changing ideas many come up with on a whim, simply because it sounds good at the time. I want to really make these resolutions work and in this effort, have decided to share my list so I may be constantly reminded by this blog and fellow readers! They are as follows:
1.) Be less critical (in general)
2.) Eat healthier (meaning less sweets!)
3.) Follow a workout routine and make a commitment to myself to get in better shape
4.) Write my book
5.) Read 20 books this year
6.) Go somewhere I have always wanted to go
7.) Finish my quilt
8.) Go to church more often
9.) Do not get a sunburn this year
10.) Always live by the philosophy "enjoy life, don't just get through it."
I'm certainly motivated for this year, and hopefully I will be successful with these ten practices, hope this is a great new year for all of us!
Hello KCorbs, I love the 10 achievable resolutions you have made for yourself. I especially love the "be less critical". It is easier said then done. I wanted to point out that when achieving this goal, do not forget to include yourself. Often times we are most critical with ourselves. Good luck, on all of your achievements, I am proud of you and know you will succeed! Sharon T.