So I wrote in my post below that my goal was to read 20 books this year, and I just finished book #1 of 2011 this weekend- Heart of the Matter by the talented Emily Giffin. I have three of her four novels and each time find myself thinking about the story and the characters long after the book has been closed. Heart of the Matter was my favorite so far because it examined the lives of two seemingly different women and drew the reader in to really care about the fates of Tessa and Valerie. Tessa Russo is a mother of two and wife to a highly praised plastic surgeon Nick in the affluent community of Wellsley MA. She recently quit her job as an English professor to be a stay at home mom with her 5 and 2 year olds. Valerie Anderson is a lawyer and single mother who works her tail off in an effort to compensate for her son's lack of a paternal figure in his young life. One night while Charlie attends his first sleep over at his friend Grayson's house his world is changed forever as he accidentally falls into the campfire Grayson's parents foolishly provided for energetic little boys. Charlie is rushed to the hospital with second and third degree burns on his hand and face as he is placed under Dr. Nick Russo's care. Nick and Charlie develop an instant connection and Valerie is warmed by the father-son like interactions she observes. Meanwhile, Tessa is finding herself struggling to find happiness in her domestic domain, and feels a shift in her and Nick's marriage as the weeks progress. Nick seems to have lost his enthusiasm for dining out, disciplining his children, and for the romance Tessa is desperately trying to evoke. As Nick begins to heal Charlie with skin grafts and they become used to seeing each other on a daily basis, Valerie starts to let her emotions take over. She knows he's a married man, but just look at him with Charlie! she thinks, he's the perfect man for both of us. Tessa meanwhile is noticing the distance more than ever in her outwardly "perfect marriage" according her best girlfriends April and Cate and her intuition suspects Nick might be having an affair after several questionable clues arise. I will not ruin the ending but I was thoroughly impressed with the way Emily Giffin crafted the ending such a way that makes the reader beg for more. Tessa and Valerie's struggle was realistic, their emotions raw, and their choices compelling. I highly recommend this novel to anyone who wishes to explore a story of love, and ultimately forgiveness.