Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oh, Paris!

Well, Oscar night 2012 has just concluded and I find myself wildly disappointed that my favorite movie of the year Midnight in Paris, didn't win best picture. That being said, I'd like to pay tribute to that wonderful city I someday dream of seeing. Paris is known as the world's most romantic city and a place I've been dying to visit since I was a little girl. There's just something wonderful about that tower glittering at night over the river Seine that makes the place feel magical. (That, and of course those lovely little local shops, oh what were their names? Chanel? Dior? Louis Vuitton? Yes, I believe those are the ones.) Maybe it's the city's old world charm that has passerby envision Monet painting water lilies across a blank canvas, or the beautiful midday songs played by Notre Dame's famous bell tower that makes a person realize how truly enchanting le capital is. As l'arc de triumphe stands proudly above le Champ de Elysees, one can't help but be awestruck of the grandeur and prestige Paris offers. A city rich in history, mixed with architecture so incredibly artistic it brings to life the grand events of the generations that came before. I can't imagine what it would be like to stroll past Moulin Rouge, explore Le Musee D'Orsay and Le Louvre, or spend a night in the Ritz hotel. Owen Wilson's character Gil Bender in Midnight in Paris literally loses himself in the city, imagining himself among the lost generation of the literary greats such as Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, and F. Scott Fitzgerald (my personal favorite) who embraced Paris for all it was worth in the 1920's. I suppose the primary reason why I loved the film so much was because I could see myself doing the same thing! How wonderful to drink, dance and delight under the city of lights. One day, rest assured, I will travel to Paris and fulfill this longtime dream. One day, I think I might just fall in love avec Paris!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Will You Be My Valentine?

Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching (less than a week!) and I find myself slightly consumed by it... (maybe because I happen to be listening to Andrea Bocelli sing Cuando m'enamoro, and how can a girl not feel romantic after that!) I've always loved the holiday for its celebration of love and all things affectionate... and the fact that pink happens to be everywhere doesn't hurt either! It's a day to feel special, decadent and sensual. With all this lust in the air I find myself a bit at odds, seeing that I don't have a Valentine close to me! It's been years since I've had a special someone for February 14th, and while I love receiving cards and sweet treats from the family & grandparents, somehow it's just not the same as a partner in love. I see Valentine's Day as very much a profession of one's most sincere sentiments from the heart, a day to show the world just how much one loves another. It's a day of pride really, a day to announce with the most beloved endearments that one person makes he or she inexplicably happy. I hate when people criticize Valentine's Day gifts and symbols of one's love for one another. A bouquet of roses tells a woman she's remembered and his love for her can only be represented through something as delicate, feminine and strikingly beautiful as a rose.Chocolates, so often scrutinized for their link to the single, lonely person, to me seem quite the opposite, as their sweet, smooth existence brings nothing short of bliss to their recipient. Teddy bears and stuffed animals which seem to be inherently linked to "tacky" are just simple reminders that someone is thinking about one in an innocent, caring way. To have something soft to squeeze at night, especially for couples separated by distance, gives a sense of comfort and fills the emptiness left from the miles in between them. Valentine's Day will always be important to me, whether I'm single or married, young or old, rich or poor, because, simply put, there is no stronger emotion in this world than love for another.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The First of 2012

Whew! What a month it's been. As February approaches this week, it's suddenly starting to set in that these last few months will end the lifestyle/occupation called college. I've been enjoying classes far more than any other semester and appears to be making a world of difference when it comes to a little thing known as time. January used to drag on and on, but this month has felt like a whirlwind, and I must admit, I'm rather pleased by it. While it's been stressful finalizing graduation requirements, balancing work and attempting to figure out what the next chapter of "ma vie" (en rose of course) entails, I've found time to appreciate friends, and the fun places around me. Speaking of fun places...
This weekend I'm going to visit my sister Shannon in North Carolina. We're planning on going to Asheville and touring the Biltmore Estate, which happens to be the largest "home" in America. I see the estate on more of a chateau level, personally. I'm very excited to see the grounds, particularly this time of year because of the orchid room that will be in full bloom! Orchids are one of my absolute favorite flowers with their exotic blooms of vivid color and longevity. In addition to this lovely orchid bonus, an audio tour is included as well as free wine tastings at the vineyard on the grounds. I can already see myself twirling the wine around in my glass and sipping on a taste of heaven! (Let's hope, anyway.)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

You Learn

I am listening to Alanis Morisette's "You Learn" as I write this afternoon, and it at the present moment it's really striking a chord with the events in my life. For the past month, I feel like I've had "my heart trampled on" and while it's caused me enough pain and anxiety to last for the remainder of the year, as I listen to her repeat "you learn" over and over it makes me see the sun through this cloudy mess. It's so easy to feel overwhelmed, embarrassed, manipulated, and empty but we learn so much in these moments, it ultimately makes us a more complete person. While I'd like to think that people don't hurt each other, I know, and have experienced firsthand the unfortunate effects of humanity's evils. It was depressing me the other night, as I was contemplating how people can honestly be so hurtful. I was thinking and came up with this: not all people are bad, if we just keep pushing through the tough times, and continue treating others the way we would like to be treated, we will eventually find the good. I keep hearing the phrase "karma is a bitch" and find myself wondering if maybe this is indeed true. Life is cyclical, what we project eventually rebounds back and we must consider this before the moment we are in the receiving end. In spite of the recent disappointment I've been feeling, the most influential statement I've heard from friends has been this, "don't change. Don't change who you are, or let yourself become bitter towards relationships. Don't let him ruin your spirit." The more I consider this advice, the more I agree. Why let someone bring you down, when it's ultimately going to be affecting you? Why surround yourself in negativity, when you weren't ever there to begin with? Why think in darkness, when there is so much light around us? This may seem on the philosophical side, but it's true. We each have the ability to make our lives what we want them to be. I want to live in love and peace, and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy for Hepburn

This past weekend I treated myself to a couple of films from one of Hollywood's best-Audrey Hepburn. She is my favorite classic actress, as she exudes beauty, wit, humor, charm and grace that only few women can. I am of course quite familiar with Breakfast at Tiffany's, My Fair Lady, Roman Holiday, and can now add Funny Face and Paris When It Sizzles to the list. I enjoyed each movie, especially because they were both set in Paris which automatically intrigues me. Her dancing was wonderful, and I found myself laughing out loud several times at her amusing comments toward her leading man. Audrey's stage presence is immediate, as soon as the viewer locates her on screen they are instantly captivated by her unique voice and wide eyes that illuminate the character she plays. Her costumes, designed primarily by Hubert de Givenchy in the majority of the films are absolutely fantastic as well. I can't get enough of her stylish sheath dresses and wonderfully flamboyant headwear! Audrey Hepburn has earned her fame completely, and after seeing one of her movies, one is sure to be enamored with the loveliest leading lady of twentieth century cinematography.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Royal Affair

So it's officially spring which means...a ridiculous amount of assignments due within days, if not hours from each other. I have been trying to organize everything out, but any way I slice it, I'm going to be swamped certain weeks. However, it's okay because this year is rapidly coming to a close and next semester will be senior year!!! Can't even believe it.
Anyway, over this post I would like to talk about a topic far more interesting- the royal wedding! I don't know about anyone else, but personally I am dying to watch this event. I am practically jumping in my seat to see what Kate's gown will look like, she's so classy and stylish I know she's going to be glamorous. Maybe it's because she rocks great hats, and I'm a big hat kind of girl, but I think her fashion is wonderful. William, on other hand has been a favorite of mine for many years, and I think they make such a lovely pair together. The very idea of getting married in Westminster Abbey, where so many British poets, royals, and important others are buried is truly awesome. I can't even imagine being able to walk through the building, let alone share my nuptials there. I like how Kate has already decided to arrive at the Abbey in a streetcar and then exit by carriage, as is customary procedure. I don't blame her for wanting a tad more privacy, I'm sure she's going to be a little nervous and would prefer to have a less flamboyant entrance. Altogether, I think it's going to be an incredible ceremony and I am so excited for William and Kate as the next generation of the House of Windsor!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Classy Ladies

As of late, I've been rather obsessed with a few historical women. I've always been interested in history, particularly women's history because I find it far less predictable and tremendously more enchanting. The first leading lady I find myself dying to learn more about is Marie Antoinette. As far as I'm concerned, that woman had the best passion for fashion, and became royalty in one of the Europe's most glorious countries, France. She was the queen that knew how to live, and although she may have had an alternative fate from the guillotine if she paid more attention to the rising revolution, I still find her respectable. She was elegant, charming and in a way, trapped in a flamboyant world.
The second lady I've come to develop a great interest about is Abigail Adams. I chose her as the topic for my biographical essay in my United States History course and in the process have grown immensely fond of the woman. One leading cause of my fondness for her is because she was an advocate for women's rights and strongly urged her husband John to "remember the women" in his doctrines. Abigail was also a major part of this nation's beginning, and is commonly referred to as one of our "founding mothers" and a "lady liberty" because of her impact socially, and politically during America's birth.
The last historical woman I am hoping to be transfixed by is Madame Toussad. I stumbled across a new book in Barnes and Noble just the other day and was drawn to a lovely cover of a woman standing in front of a garden that resembled the grand jardin de Versailles. She was wearing a detailed yellow gown that looked to be from the 18th century and at this point I could not resist. The book is an account of Madame Toussad, the famous wax artisan who began her career in France and gained much popularity and recognition after creating the wonderful likenesses of... Louis XVI and MARIE ANTOINETTE!!! How awesome is that?! I definitely plan on reading this novel and can already feel myself typing a follow up post on this blog!